In Concorso Pozzoli
On November 9, the anniversary day of Ettore Pozzoli's death, and on the eve of the year, 2023, in which we will celebrate the 150th anniversary of his birth, the Municipality of Seregno, the Milan Conservatory and the partners of the Competition announce the next edition of the event , scheduled in Seregno from 26 September to 3 October 2023.
First of all the music: the two pianists who won the ex-aequo second prize during the last edition of the Competition, the Italian Diego Petrella and the Japanese Yuto Takezawa, testified to the international nature of the Competition.

Appreciation for the results achieved by the competition, positioned at an international level, and hopes for the future also came from the two interventions in video connection, respectively with Gustav Alink, founder together with Martha Argerich of the Alink-Argerich Foundation, and with Peter Paul Kainrath, president of the World Federation of International Music Competitions, Geneva, of which Pozzoli joined a few months ago. This puts it on the net with the major events in the sector at a national and indeed international level.

A result achieved thanks to the prestige and history of the Competition, as recalled by Marco Mazzolini, General Manager of Casa Ricordi, who has always been publisher of Ettore Pozzoli's works and partner of the Competition: «A leading author in our catalogue, Ettore Pozzoli is one one of the first that those who choose to study music get to know and attend and it is a daily attendance. If it is true that Pozzoli's teaching teaches young musicians to walk in music, it is also true that there is a greater and more profound ambition: the idea that the young student learns to walk in the world through music. This consideration leads me to confirm the closeness of Ricordi and my personal to the Competition».

In the name of Pozzoli and his "vocation" as a trainer also the video testimony of Elisabetta Sgarbi, who announced her intention to dedicate a space to the memory of Pozzoli himself on the 150th anniversary of his birth, on the occasion of the next edition of the Milanesiana.
Professor of the Milan Conservatory, Ettore Pozzoli taught there from 1899 to 1937. It is therefore no coincidence that Massimiliano Baggio, current Director of the G. Verdi Conservatory of Milan and Cristina Frosini, Director of the same sit within the Executive Committee of the Pozzoli Competition Istituto until last October 31st: «First of all the pride of being the Conservatory from which one of the winners of the last edition of the Competition came out, who we also had the opportunity to listen to at the press conference, Diego Petrella – they commented -, then the living testimony of the topicality of Pozzoli's work, on whose texts our students are still trained today, both those enrolled in the classical courses, you know those enrolled in jazz and pop-rock courses, to underline the truly universal value of Pozzoli's work Wells. It is therefore an honor to be part of the Executive Committee of the Competition which increasingly intends to promote the talent of young pianists from higher education institutes around the world".

The Ettore Pozzoli Piano Competition - said the mayor of Seregno, Alberto Rossi - represents one of the excellences that projects our city beyond the local dimension, towards a more international horizon. During the week of the competition, the city becomes a crossroads for artists from all over the world and the echo of what happens here also reverberates in distant corners. A reverberation that also continues in the curricula of the winners, who, even as established musicians, proudly report the results achieved at the Pozzoli Competition in their biographies».

«Ettore Pozzoli - adds the Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Seregno, Federica Perelli - had firm roots in the city: we are proud of the cultural movement and of the opportunities that, in the name of the Maestro, are triggered inside and outside the city limits».

Finally, thanks to the partners, without whose support the Competition could not take place: AEB Gruppo a2a, Fazioli, Fondazione Bracco, Rotary Club Sedeca, Rotary Club Lecco, interreg Young Inclusion, Vivi Seregno, Unione Confcommercio Territorial Association of Seregno, Fratelli Novara srl, Lisander B&B, Mariani Costruzioni, Collegio Ballerini, Pomiroeu Restaurant (Giancarlo Morelli).
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