Emanuele Arciuli regularly performs at major concert halls and festivals, such as the Berliner Festwochen, Wien Modern, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, La Scala Milano, Biennale di Venezia, Miami Piano Festival, Melbourne Festival,  Miller Theater New York, Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival, Brescia and Bergamo International Piano Festival. He has collaborated with internationally renowned orchestras such as the Indianapolis Symphony, Saint Paul Chamber, MDR Orchestra Leipzig, Tonkünslter Orchestra Wien, Saint Petersburg Philharmonic, Orquestra Sinfônica Brasileira RAI National Symphony, Rotterdam Philharmonic, Brussels Philharmonic and many others. Conductors with whom he has worked include Roberto Abbado, John Axelrod, Andrey Boreyco, Dennis Russell Davies, Yoel Levi, Brad Lubman, Wayne Marshal, James MacMillan, Kazushi Ono, Zoltan Pesko, Jonathan Stockhammer, Arturo Tamayo, Jurai Valchua and Mario Venzago. His numerous recordings (Chandos, Stradivarius, Innova, Vai, Bridge, Wergo, Albany, Naxos, Neuma  etc.) include  the complete piano works of Berg and Webern, the world premiere of Bruno Maderna’s Concerto for Piano and Orchestra and a lot of american music. His CD dedicated to George Crumb was nominated for a Grammy Award.
His comprehensive book on American piano music, Musica per pianoforte negli Stati Uniti (EDT), was published in Italy in 2010. Recently he has published Il Pianoforte di Bernstein (Ets), La bellezza della nuova musica (Dedalo) and Viaggio in America (Curci).
In May 2011, Emanuele Arciuli was awarded with the most important Italian critic’s prize, the Premio Franco Abbiati. He teaches Contemporary Music at Accademia di Pinerolo and Pianoforte at the Conservatory in Bari and is a frequent guest professor at many  American universities.

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