Vincenzo Balzani
Vincenzo Balzani graduated under Alberto Mozzati “Magna Cum Laude from “Verdi” conservatory of music Milano. 1965 (At 14) he won the “Förster – Ricordi International. 1967 he was awarded “Liszt” prize at “Maria Canals in Barcelona. 1971 he was top prize winner in many famous competitions as: “Pozzoli”, “Città di Treviso”, F.P.Neglia and “G.B. Viotti” internationals. 1975 he successfully represented RAI at the Maurice Ravel competition in Paris. He has performed 1200 concerts (recitals,chamber and symphonics) all over the world including the most prestigious Italian theatres and festivals (Scala, San Carlo, Regio-Turin, Olimpico-Rome, Festival Michelangeli, “Festival dei Due Mondi”, Settembre Musica, etc.). He is recording on Radio and TV and has recorded several LPs and CDs including Scarlatti, Mozart, Hummel, Beethoven, Chopin (the complete etudes), Rossini, Schubert – Liszt, etc. Since 1973 he has been piano professor in music Academies and in the Conservatory of Milan. He is jury member of many international competitions (“G.B. Viotti”, “Pozzoli”, “London , Madrid, “Tchaikovsky junior”, “Takamatsu”, “Parnassos” “Hummel”etc.) and also holds courses, master classes and lectures in Italy and abroad. He is also artistic director of “Città di Cantù”, “Valsesia Musica”as well of the juniores competitions “Pianotalents”, “Pozzolino”,“Monterosa – Kawai” and “Tadini International”. He is member of the artistic committe of “Pozzoli” since 2010.
In 2009 in Milano he has founded the“Pianofriends” association to organize festivals, concerts, stages and seminars. He is president of PianoIn association.